
Previously the Bank was known as Danapur Masaurhi Cooperative Bank. Now it is known as The Patliputra Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. w ith its head office at S.P. Verma Road, Patna. The Registration No. of the Bank is 118/1960. The Bank has its own premises at Patna, Danapur, Fautuah, Masaurhi and Barh.
The Bank has presently 20 branches which is likely to revised by opening new branches. The Bank has got Liecence from RBI to do banking business. The despositor's money is Insured by deposit guarantee scheme by RBI.


The Bank has presently 20 branches which is likely to revised by opening new branches. The Bank has got Liecence from RBI to do banking business. The despositor's money is Insured by deposit guarantee scheme by RBI.